New Podcast for your feed: "Get Real with the Chairman" hosted by Jim Weiss

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Get Real with the Chairman

Get Real with the Chairman is a podcast hosted by Jim Weiss, founder and chairman of Real Chemistry. Jim knows that the key to success and leveraging one's mission is connection, so he's reached out to innovators in and outside of healthcare to discuss what's now and what's next. He interviews world-renowned scientists, CEOs, public health experts, and more!

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July 5th is Research Appreciation Day

Celebrating the work of health researchers who are making a difference to people's lives all around the world.

Data on the Adoption of Decentralized Methods in Cancer Trials During the Pandemic

Dr. Timil Patel, a Medical Oncologist with the FDA, discusses the recently released ASCO abstract on the adoption of decentralized trial elements in cancer clinical trials during the pandemic.

Accelerating Clinical Trials & Making Research More Accessible

Darcy Forman, Chief Delivery Officer at Science 37, discovers how Science 37 is revolutionizing clinical research with their innovative Metasite model, making trials more inclusive and patient-centric.

Transform Research and Treatment for Rare Genetic Neurodevelopmental Disorders

Terry Jo Bichell, a dedicated mom, neuroscientist, and founder of COMBINEDBrain, discusses her inspiring journey from a nurse and midwife to a PhD in molecular neuroscience.

Nurse Academia and Research

Jed Montayre is an esteemed clinician, associate professor, and director of the Center of Evidence-Based Practice for Healthcare Policy at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University. Discover how Jed transitioned from an emergency nurse to a leader in nursing academia and research.

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Upcoming Events

AAIC 2024, July 28 - August 1, Philadelphia, PA

Healthcare Advocate Summit 2024, September 3 - 6, Las Vegas, NV

LSI Europe ’24 – Portugal, September 16 - 20, Lisbon, Penha Longa Resort, Portugal

AAP Experience – Orlando 2024, September 27 - October 1, Orlando, FL

2nd Biopharma Site Solutions Summit 2024, October 2 - 3, Lyon, France

HLTH 2024, October 20 - 23,
Las Vegas, NV

APHA – American Public Health Association Annual Meeting and Expo, October 27 - October 30,
Minneapolis MN, United States

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July Awareness Events

• Research Appreciation Day, July 5

• World Hepatitis Day, July 28

• UV Safety Awareness Month

• Cord Blood Awareness Month

• National Cleft & Craniofacial Awareness & Prevention Month

• National Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

• Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month

August Awareness Events

• National Minority Donor Awareness Day, August 1

• World Breastfeeding Week, August 1 - 7

• National Health Center Week,

August 4 - 10

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