Podcast Updates: The Untold Story of the Black Angels and Nursing & Feeding Newborns

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Podcaster Showcase: Kirsten Yehl of The Huddle: Conversations with the Diabetes Care Team

Kirsten Yehl is the Associate Director of Research and Proposals at ADCES. Her conversations on the Huddle are driven by a natural curiosity and interest in connecting experts from across the care space to improve care and outcomes for people with diabetes. She brings over twenty years of experience in public health, health services, and outcomes research, to her conversations on the Huddle and cherishes each Huddle conversation as a chance to learn from and connect with the people making a difference on the front lines of diabetes care.


New Podcasts, New Perspectives: Explore the Latest on Health Podcast Network

The Untold Story of the Black Angels


Nursing and Feeding Newborns


Dr. Omolara Thomas Uwemedimo: Healthcare Founder & Growth Strategist for Women of Color in Healthcare



Register Now for LSX World Congress

LSX World Congress brings together the CEOs and senior decision makers from the world’s most innovative biopharma, medtech and healthtech companies with investors, senior BD&L teams, R&D leaders and industry KOLs. Together, they share best practice, forge partnerships and investments – all geared at putting capital and ideas to work to help create the world’s future medicines and improve patient outcomes.


Upcoming Events and Awareness Days

January Awareness Events

  • National Blood Donor Month
  • National Glaucoma Awareness Month

February Awareness Events

  • National Caregivers Day, Feb 17
  • Black History Month
  • American Heart Month

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